Facilitator Templates
Thank you for your interest in our templates! This list may grow so feel free to bookmark and check back occasionally for our most recent list. Don’t forget! Our Facilitator Learning Modules also contain templates specific to your needs.
Click the titles below to view each template. Save the template locally for future use.
Meeting Agenda Template
Designing a flowing, efficient meeting is much easier when you develop an agenda! This template includes space to plan timing, activities, the purpose of the activity, and the preparation and materials needed.
Facilitator Guide/Script
Developing powerful facilitator guides/scripts that are easily understood everyone on your team will ensure successful meeting outcomes. A good facilitator guide outlines the purpose of the event, the logistics of the space set-up, and detailed instructions on each piece of the agenda process. It also includes notes, supplies for each activity and the intent of each activity. A must have!
Celebratory Balloon Launch Activity
Here are instructions to use at the end of the day to recap the main topic and celebrate the work.
Small Group Instructions – Vision Sample
When working with small groups, it’s best to have instructions ready to go for each activity. Here are sample instructions for a vision activity. Modify this template any way you choose.