Did your last meeting leave you with a glow of satisfaction?
You might have thought “No, my last few meetings left me feeling tired and irritated”.
We’d like to help you improve your next meeting (and every meeting after that!), because we really care about people, and value everyone’s wisdom.
We hear from our colleagues that meetings often do not use their time and talents well. Each of us has developed our own ways of staying focused, taking in information, and offering ideas.
You’ve probably noticed that you like to explain your ideas with your hands or as you doodle on paper. You may do some of your best thinking by walking about the room or staring into space for a few minutes. What if you had some really simple tricks, that professional facilitators use, in your “meeting toolbelt”?
We’ve created 3 cheatsheets, with accompanying videos to show you how to use them, packed with tools and techniques that professional facilitators use to engage everyone’s BEST thinking.

We provide theory and examples for each tip we offer. It’s practically a full course, for free! Just 10 minutes of your time in three easy chunks.
- 91% of people day dream in meetings
- 73% did other work in meetings
- 47% complain that meetings are the #1 time-waster at the office.
Let’s change those horrible statistics forever.
I’ve continually researched, applied and adapted these tips over the last 22 years. Hundreds of client groups have had engaging, productive and satisfying meeting as a result.
Want to be thanked for your next meeting? My “BE SURE to DO” tips are yours, absolutely FREE. Hand out the cheatsheets and watch the videos at your next meeting and ask everyone if they’d like to see things change to satisfying, productive, inclusive meetings.
Enter your name and email below and get the first cheatsheet and video delivered to your email right now.
“But Barbara, I’m not a facilitator. Are these tips really for me?”
Thank you for asking that question. The answer is a resounding YES!
These tips can be used by:
- HR Managers
- Team Leaders
- Project Managers
- IT Managers
- Teachers
- School and Hospital Leaders and Administrators
- NGO Leaders
- Committee and Task Force Leaders
- Anyone who is tired of not getting the most out of the meetings they attend or lead
- Anyone leading meetings, workshops or webinars of more than 2 people.
When you implement these tips, all meeting participants, employees, organizations and teams will be more productive, more energized, and less prone to burn-out.

Enter your name and email below to receive instant access now!
What Others Are Saying
Thank you for the resources that you make available to emerging facilitators. I am about 6 years into my journey as a facilitator and it has truly changed my life! The work is so purpose-driven and brings me such gratification…I am not sure who benefits more — my clients or me!” – S.S., South Carolina
I was looking for some fresh ideas for a workshop I’ve been asked to lead for 200 women in a philanthropic organization that I belong to, and your website was near the top. Thanks again for contributing to the professionalism of this work. – J.S., New York
Thank you SO much Barbara for the wonderful resources! Your products are so well designed and so “meaty”. Simply wonderful tools. – R.S., Arizona