facilitator journey

So you’ve been feeling consciously incompetent lately?

I don’t know if you’re aware of the term “conscious incompetence”. It actually comes with a suite of phrases that begin with 1. unconscious incompetence; then 2. conscious incompetence; 3. unconscious competence; and lastly 4. conscious competence. Noel Burch, an employee with Gordon Training International, developed the Conscious Competence Ladder in the 1970s. I want…


Space: The Final Frontier of Facilitation

Highlights from the International Association of Facilitator’s Conference Do you know what I’m talking about if I say I have a little ache in my heart because I’m missing being with my IAF friends?  I returned home to Portland, Oregon in Northwestern USA from spending 5 days in Orlando, Florida (southeastern USA) being with many…


“A Hero’s Journey” – A Model to Help Groups Through Big Change

Recently, I had the pleasure of being reminded of a model that I think serves facilitators and their groups well.  It is Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey”.    I was co-facilitating a plenary session with my dear ICA colleague, Jo Nelson who works with ICA Canada.  She had the idea of using the theme of the Hero’s…