Strategic Planning
The Power of Self Reflection
This month’s blog is super short. Let me share with you what our gifts to you are this month. I had the honour of presenting to IAF Indonesia Chapter. Lidia Rusvita, (she just completed her Endorsed Facilitator IAF designation – congratulations Lidia!) took the lead on this and is a member of our Gold Academy…
Meeting the Impossible Strategic Planning Request
In this blog, I meet with two esteemed colleagues, Leah Hopton from Vancouver, Canada, and Teck Kwang Loh from Singapore. We discuss the various ways that we’ve approached strategic planning. I introduce the typical ToP Strategic Planning model and talk about where it’s different from most planning frameworks. Part 1: Strategic Planning Introduction …
Is Strategic Visioning a Waste of Time? 6 Ways to Overcome Resistance To It
Your group needs strategic planning. But they either refuse or are very resistant to doing the visioning part of strategic planning. YOU may know that visioning is essential as a foundational piece of strategic planning. So you are doing the group a disservice if you “give in” to their resistance to it. So what can…
Finding Your Passion – Two Intuitive Tools to Launch Your Annual Plan
This blog will focus on two intuitive tools to assist you in thinking about your big picture planning for this year. These are great tools to use with yourself, coaching others, and facilitating any groups who would benefit from having a clear vision and purpose. The first is a brand new one that our son,…
Team Collaboration – Ten Simple Tools
One dictionary definition of the word “collaborate” is “to work jointly on an activity especially to produce or create something together”. I’ve been thinking lately of the recent nationalistic actions in the US and Britain as two prominent examples of collaboration efforts that failed for many reasons. It is easy to blame. Sometimes the set…
The 5 Things That Mess Organizations Up
We looked back at archives from the last 22 years of doing strategic planning for different groups. Whew! The results are quite startling. In each case they came up with the same basic five things that really stop organizations or teams in their tracks (regardless of sector, type of team or organization; size, mission, length…
How to Find Out if You Have Enough Tools
At every course I teach, I hear participants say, “I want more tools for my facilitation toolkit or meetings.” Even if you are an experienced facilitator, you may be surprised at what you learn in this article. Do you know what type of tools you need? Do you have enough of each type of tool?…
Gaining Clarity And Meaning For Your Life In 3 Hours
Ever wanted a very powerful, quick jumpstart on the next few years of your life? One process I talked about briefly in my blog in December 2014 was the graphic facilitated P.A.T.H. process. PATH stands for Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope. It was developed by a Canadian group including Marsha Forest, Jack Pierpont and John O’Brien…
The Clarity and Confusion Around Goals and Objectives
The year 2016 is approaching. You think to yourself, “We had better set some new goals and objectives for our organization, team, committee.” You might even think about doing this for your own life or career development. Yet, I hate to break the news to you but rarely do setting goals and objectives on their…
What’s the Strategic in Strategic Thinking and Planning?
Why bother learning how to think, decide, prioritize and plan more strategically? Most of us are “getting through” life and work reasonably using our current thinking skills and abilities, experience and knowledge. Why bother with continuing to learn and practice the specifics of strategic thinking and planning? In this blog, I offer some of my…