
Brilliant Facilitation Tools for Reflective Thinking & Problem Solving

I took my first ToP class in December 1995. Over the last 24 years, it has revolutionized my life, my closest relationships, my facilitation practice and my business. I am deeply grateful to the pioneers of ToP for having systematized processes that I use on a daily basis as reflective thinking and problem-solving tools, and…


Clear Flowing Agendas – Designing Using Meta Methods

What is a meta method? It is a framework that can be used over and over in many different circumstances.  It is the foundation behind all other tools and techniques. It works marvelously in most situations that require clear thinking.  Are you designing with meta methods?  I will talk about two in this blog and…


Art of Maintaining a Clear & Focused Facilitator Mind

I just came off a silent meditation retreat. I do these every year to clear my mind. It also helps me set new intentions and practices. I know that as facilitator I need to come to the group with a clear and sharply focused mind. There are many ways to develop a mind free from…


Sustaining Enthusiasm, Energy & Excitement in Facilitation

I’ve been thinking about long term relationships for the last little while. I realize that I’m quite a loyal person and I have many long term friendships, partnerships with colleagues and maintain deep connections to my original family. I know also that the world is changing so quickly and that it is both tempting and…


Increasing the Meta Impact of Your Energizers

At the IAF Asia conference last week, Grace Tan from Singapore and I co-facilitated a session on meaningful energizers. We were trying to urge facilitators to choose their energizers and ice breakers wisely, not just because it was a favorite thing to do. We recommend you do not use energizers as a “filler” or simply…


Three Ideas to Help Your Facilitation Blossom

Facilitation training, certification and attending an International Association of Facilitators (IAF) conference are three of the best ways to make your facilitation profession blossom. In today’s blog, I’ve decided to share photos of my journey to Singapore where I spent four days doing ToP facilitation training, mostly advanced.  Have you considered any of the facilitation…


Create Inspiring, Captivating Mission and Values

When employees and volunteers connect to the organization’s mission, values or guiding principles in a personal way, they become more motivated, committed and fulfilled. This connection occurs by engaging people in the development of these foundational statements. Facilitators help groups do this through thoughtful dialogue and creative processes. Here is a short, pithy overview of…


The Being of the Facilitator, What Does It Look Like?

The “being of the facilitator” keeps coming up recently as a phrase amongst my colleagues around the world.  Someone even invited me to do a workshop on this topic. I thought it would be helpful to write about this as a way to gather my thoughts.  My Netherlands colleague, Mireille Beumer, joins me today as…


Why Your Meetings May Not Get Results

People complain a lot about nothing happens after the meeting.  That means that people do not follow up to actions assigned to them.  Or worse, no actions are assigned to anyone.  I am guilty of not getting to next steps often in meetings also. I am going to address it from two angles: 1. How can…


Staying Calm When the Group Hates Your Facilitator Process!

Or you, the participant hate the process! Some people profess to not like process. I guarantee that at times in meetings, it might be as high as 75%+ of the group who are not enjoying the process. If you could hear people think out loud it might sound like this, “Why can’t everyone just think…