facilitation career
How Do You Decide to Take That Facilitation Job?
Quite a few years ago, I presented a paper at a conference called “When to Take the Job”. I was trying to be more discerning about which client work to take on. This is true more than ever now. I have been passing on almost all the jobs that I have been asked to do…
Gratitude and Reflections on My Facilitation Career
I guess when one comes close to completing one’s career, for some there can be regrets and disappointments embedded or over shadowing the good aspects. For me, at least now, I have no strong regrets. I accept it as good enough – in fact better than good. A joy! A gift! And an awakening of…
Facilitation Methods vs. Tools: Making Your Facilitator Journey Easier
Today, at risk of repeating ourselves, we are going to talk a bit more about your journey as a facilitator. It is an amazing journey, a “hero’s journey” (mythologist and author Joseph Campbell came up with this term) of sorts. Each one of us will have a different journey, depending especially if we start it…
Calling All Gen X & Y Facilitators – We Need You!
You’ve been thinking about becoming an independent, solo facilitator for a long time. You have a good job and you’re a little reluctant (or a lot reluctant) to give up the security of your job, the camaraderie of your colleagues and/or perhaps the prestige of your position. I faced this decision in mid-1990’s. I was…