designing agendas
Clear Flowing Agendas – Designing Using Meta Methods
What is a meta method? It is a framework that can be used over and over in many different circumstances. It is the foundation behind all other tools and techniques. It works marvelously in most situations that require clear thinking. Are you designing with meta methods? I will talk about two in this blog and…
Create a Meeting Agenda Quickly – Template Inside!
You’ll notice below that I’ve done a short 4 minute video introducing you to designing meeting agendas. However, I get to share the joy of my mosaic practice with you as well. Because I enjoy designing things so much, it’s likely no surprise that the art of mosaics is quite fascinating to me. In this…
Four Steps to Elegant Meeting Design
Recently I have been thinking a lot about designing. For months, I’ve been designing a three-part series for people who want to learn the essence of elegant meeting facilitation. There is nothing more satisfying to me than designing an agenda, or a curriculum. It is a creative and logical process that uses every once (gram!)…
Are You “Dropping In” or “Dropping On” Your Group?
I recently passed my 21st anniversary in business and I wanted to share something I’ve been thinking about a long time. This is a concept of dropping in vs. dropping on your client group. This is what I mean by each term: “Dropping on” is the process of creating an agenda and moving from item…